Hello, It has been a long time my friends. Alhamdulillah I am still breathing and alive. What is more awesomeness is..It is finally 2013!Yeah, let's laugh our asses off to those who believe in Mayan's predictions.Doomsday my ass!You'll never know when it is gonna happen and I'm afraid to tell you guys this but there will be no zombies or aliens attacks whatsoever. Let's put all the doomsday movies in comedy section. I am sorry to all of you believers/doomsday preppers but your pea pod, lifesavers, underground house or anything that you have build will not save you from doomsday. This whole Earth will gone..*poof* Religiously, I don't have an up level knowledge about religious and real doomsday but it's a common knowledge.

Let's just now forget the doomsday. Now it's 2013 and I believe that all of you have probably given a thought of your new resolutions?right?It is still January..not really that late.(for me). Anyhoo, I don't really put so much thinking on resolutions because I still have my 2010 resolutions and as far as I see, I never move my butt even an inch to implement it....(until now) But, yeah I am annoy with people asking what is your new year resolutions. These are my answers

1. To attend Yoga class
2. Travel to Singapore
3. Get a job
4. Be more confident
5. Read 5 books a month
6. Make a green tea as my favorite drink
7. Stop taking carbonated drinks
8. Eat healthy
9. Be more mature
10. Get a driving license

There! 2 out of 10 is done and I am doing it perfectly and to tell you the truth...all of the above was my 2010's resolutions. And I hope this year will brings more happiness and joy and at least I move my butt an inch or two.. :D Cheers!

Dafuq did I just watch?

Hah!showed this to my friends and I was like wait for it..wait for it...Bwahahahahaha! You guys can watch it for yourself and make sure you're not drinking or eating anything..don't want to mess your laptop or ipad or whatever you guys using to watch this video..Enjoice..

I have changed

It is been a while since I posted last entry...I am totally becoming a really different person. I have my own perspective well means that I can think straight...hey..would you look at that!hah! I mean, looking back 2 or 3 years back, I was definitely lost. Lost in my own world with dreams that clearly will not going nowhere. I am still jobless but hey.. I can think positive now instead of blaming my self back then for not doing good in exams..I am now more to appreciate myself and appreciate every person in my life. Back then, I would woke up in the morning and feeling grumpy and cursed every single mistake that I have done aaand made my boyfriend annoyed with my never ending complaints. But now, I wake up every day with a smile and end my day with a smile. I am no longer give a damn with my weigh or every pimples that popped out like mad. I am now blessed with a wonderful life. 

I'm still remember my last interview. It was fun but yeah I did not get the job. But, after the interview, It made me thinking so hard that I cannot sleep. My mind's keep on repeating to the 1 question that they'd asked me and the answer that I'd give. In that moment, I've realized that I have changed in a way of thinking and talk and respond and whatever it was.. I have changed! Not thoroughly but in a way I react to one situation. Although I didn't land the job. But It was okay..I believe in Almighty God. God has his own way to gives us the best. He wants us to taste the bitter first before giving us the chance to taste the sweetness of life...

Steak Night

Yes, you are right..I am dancing like this becauseeee....tonight is the steak night!!!

We're goin to steak night...we're gonna eat it right!!

The Gentlemen's Rant : Facebook

I guess this is why I hate Facebook so much that I deleted it. Ever since I deleted it, I feel so much freedom in my life and I don't have to read all people's miserable life anymore. I mean do they have to posted their food pictures?Wtf. Like I fucking care about your food. Oh, you're fucking broke up with your bf. So? So, you hate your sister? Oh, why don't you post a status about it because probably Barrack Obama could help you. Yeah, I know, I know...I'm weird. But, I don't give a fucking damn because I have a lovely boyfriend, loving family, cutest pets, and a joyful life. So, I don't need facebook.

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