Plus Size Models?

Semua tahu yang models kebanyakannya sangat2 kurus yang kadang2 looks unrealistic to me. They are everywhere. Kat fashion page, runaway, magazine covers..bla bla bla... and I wonder what is wrong with plus size models? They look good and beautiful too. I myself a plus size woman (eh, woman la sgt) but thanks to my bf, he makes me feel comfortable with myself all the time.:)

So, why don't fashion world interpret style for real women's bodies by having more real-sized women and not those stick-unrealistic-thin type. However, fashion world ada alasan mereka tersendiri tau.

Why Thin Models?
Ini adalah kerana first sample from one designer adalah saiz S. No M or XL ke ape. Designer samples are ONLY come in small sizes. why is that?samples dijahit dengan tangan dan adalah tidak cost-effective kalau di jahit dalam pelbagai sizes. Oleh sebab itulah saiz kebanyakan model adalah sama kerana ia merupakan tugas mereka untuk menjadi 'hanger hidup'. Bagi pereka fesyen plak adalah sangat2 mudah dan tidak menyusahkan mereka untuk mengecilkan baju daripada membesarkan baju. 

Kenapa fashion magazine tends to show more thin models than plus size models?Ini adalah kerana mereka menjadikan ia satu 'inspiration'. Yes memang ramai wanita diluar sana curvy macam I (hey, curvy sexy okay..) Later I tunjuk betapa sexynya being curvy and you should proud of being curvy!Ok, back to the point. Eventhough plus size women are everywhere. Recent study shows that fashion magazine yang banyak picca models kurus2 dijadikan sebagai inspiration untuk menguruskan badan. They are yearning to be slim and slimmer models help them to be inspired.

Oh yes another reason. Because Malaysia doesn't appreciate plus size models. Kat luar negara ada je guna plus size models. Tapi, kat Malaysia still using papan bergerak. I am not insulting k. What I am trying to say is 'change your mind-set'. Perhaps Malaysians are not ready for that because If they are, they'll know how beautiful and powerful a curvy can be.

Pics : Courtesy of Google



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